Center “your” Sage
This started as a business overview, you know, who we are and what we represent. But as I typed the title, I remembered something.
There is no one way to refer to a Sage.
By definition, according to Webster, a Sage is: (1) one (such as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom and/or (2) a mature or venerable person of sound judgment. And I remember as a child, a wise old man was the rhetoric used to refer to a sage. That definition has changed overtime, but it all centers wisdom. The Bible references wisdom in a feminine context “more precious than rubies & she will guide you down delightful paths.” It also states “Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly & by wisdom the Lord founded the earth, by understanding he created the heavens.” Sage as an herb is known for providing wisdom, mental support, cleansing, and if I remember correctly, gut health.
Centering our unique experiences with our inner Sage is a journey of healing. Defining what your Sage is and who your Sage is becomes an important step to center the messages of the heart. Over the years I’ve looked around for that. I wondered how you know what it is that you know and how we got here, to this moment. Often times you will hear people say everything you need is within you. One of my latest favorites that I’ve reflected on lately is the idea that other people are direct mirrors of ourselves. Whatever it is that we see in others is a direct reflection of what we see in ourselves. If we see beauty everywhere, we are in a state of appreciating the beauty within. If all we see is pain and hurt and darkness, we may also be in that state. This is not to negate the awareness of the world around us blissfully ignorant because we are in a state of peace and prosperity. This is only to highlight that our hearts are being reflected into the world and how dire it is to search our hearts to identify our needs for healing. Our soul and our spirits are in a state of emergency.
I want to also bring attention to the what connects to our heart space. Our heart connects to our life source, our creator, all that is Divine in the world. I believe healing must occur with a Divine presence and so the question becomes what is yours? Who is yours? When what we center as Divine (because so many things are) is ONLY outside of ourselves, we lose sight of our purpose and our value in this world. We lose sight of our heart, our health and our wholeness. Our connection to a Divine presence is why we are present. And so when I say your Sage, I really do mean whatever is Divine to and within you. I do not believe we can define that for another. I believe we have to search our heart to uncover that journey of connection for ourselves.
I often struggled with my spirituality and my religion. I found a space somewhere that most people might call luke warm. But I exist in many worlds. The more I deny it, the more I deny my own divinity, and the Divine presence in my life. As we deny those spaces, we participate in self-harm and self-abandonment to appease a lifestyle that is out of alignment with our authentic selves. Who told you that was who you were? As I reflect, I think about all of the boxes that I’ve placed myself in and allowed others to place me in because it was normal and acceptable. I think of all of the warriors and soldiers, as my uncles would say, breaking the chains that kept them shackled. Do you know who you are? Do you know whose blood you carry?
We cannot define freedom for another. We cannot define personal or spiritual evolution for another. We can search our hearts and move accordingly. Sometimes I even get angry with myself for how much time I wasted battling these fears that were not my own, these ways of the world that I never beleived in. I stand now proud of myself for choosing my heart, choosing God & choosing freedom.
So, I cannot tell you what ‘your’ Sage is or who ‘your’ Sage is. But I can hear you, see you and share space with you while you take that journey and know that you are not alone. You never were. Know there is something within you that guides you, that speaks to you and that knows you much deeper than anyone. There is where you find your Sage, your inner wisdom and intuition. It connects to everything there was, is or ever is to be. That is where you are safest.
Center Your Sage.